Elder Law

Southeast Michigan Elder Law

Sean Nichols is an experienced elder law attorney dedicated to helping senior citizens and their families. Our law firm specializes in legal aspects involving aging and disability.

When someone reaches their twilight years, there are many important factors to consider such as:

  • Long-term care options
  • Elder Medicaid
  • Affordable nursing home care
  • Retirement planning
  • Protecting property and assets
  • Ensuring final wishes are carried out

Our law firm understands the importance of these issues and have helped many families across Michigan plan a comfortable future.

How We Can Help

At Sean J Nichols, PLLC, we pride ourselves on understanding our clients needs. This includes senior citizens and their families. Our managing partner and Sean Nichols started his practice after witnessing his grandmother succumb to Alzheimer’s disease. He witnessed first-hand the hoops his family had to go through in order to provide care. As a result, we understand these issues from both a legal and emotional perspective.

Our law firm handles a wide variety of matters involving elder law, estate planning, and probate. You can visit the links below to learn more about a specific issue and how we can help.

Elder Care Blog

Medicaid Planning

Medicaid planning is a crucial aspect of ensuring the financial stability and healthcare security of seniors. As the population ages, more individuals and families find

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Elder Care, Medicaid Planning, and Nursing Homes

The decision to put a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision that faces many Michigan families. Family members work to avoid this option because they would rather care for their loved one at home and are concerned with the soaring costs of nursing home care.

In some circumstances, nursing home facilities can provide a level of care that cannot be received from the families of loved ones within their home setting. Our law firm offers assistance to our clients and their families in obtaining affordable nursing care and preserving as much of their estate as possible.

Loved ones in need of nursing home care most often end up needing to receive Medicaid benefits to help cover their expenses. Contrary to popular belief applicants that receive benefits are allowed to keep a portion of assets and income but the rules are complicated.

The law office of Sean J Nichols offers comprehensive legal advice to assist clients in all aspects of Medicaid estate planning within Michigan. Proper planning with the assistance of a skilled and knowledgeable attorney can make the difference between financial security and financial devastation.


Elder Neglect and Abuse

Sadly, the abuse and neglect of elders is not uncommon. To put this in perspective, according to the National Council on Aging, approximately 1 in 10 Americans aged 60+ have experienced some form of elder abuse (NCOA). Moreover, there are several different forms of elder abuse/neglect including: financial exploitation, physical abuse, non-physical abuse (emotional/mental), willful neglect, etc. Unfortunately, elder neglect may also occur in nursing home facilities, assisted living centers, and by other supposed care givers.

This is one of the most distressing examples of why you may want to consult an attorney specializing in concerns of the elderly. If you have an aged parent who is in a nursing home, receiving skilled nursing care, or being cared for by someone else and you suspect that your parent is being neglected or abused, you must consult with an attorney as soon as possible who specializes in cases of elder abuse. They can give you the guidance and support you need while investigating and filing suit against the abuser or abusers.

Sean J Nichols is focused on preventing neglect, abuse, and financial exploitation of elders. We help to relieve the fears clients and their relatives face as they navigate the complex world of aging.

If you, a loved one, or someone you know are a victim of elder abuse/neglect in Michigan, call our offices right away.